Monday, December 30, 2019

US Military Housing, Barracks, and Housing Allowance

US Military Housing, Barracks, and Housing AllowanceUS Military Housing, Barracks, and Housing AllowanceFree, or nearly free, housing is given to everyone in the military. But how they provide housing depends on your marital status, dependents, and rank. Military Housing for Married Couples or Those with Dependents If you are married and living with your spouse or minor dependents, you will either live in on-base housingor be given a monetary allowance called BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) to live off-base. The amount of BAH depends on your rank, your drehort, and whether or bedrngnis you have dependents.If you are in the Guard or Reservesand entitled to a housing allowance, you will receive a reduced BAH, called BAH Type II, anytime you are on active duty for less than 30 days. If you are on orders to serve on active duty for 30 days or mora, youll receive the full housing allowance tarif, the same as active duty personnel. If you have dependents, you will receive the housing allowance, even when staying in the barracks at basic training and/or technical school/AIT/A-School. This is because the military makes it mandatory for you to provide adequate housing for your dependents. This will be included as part of your regular paycheck, half on the first of the month and half on the last duty day of the month. For basic training and/or technical school/AIT/A-School, you will receive the BAH amount for the location where your dependent(s) are residing. However, if you are not married and/or divorced and are paying child support, you do not receive full-rate BAH while living in the barracks. In this case, special rules apply, and the member receives BAH-DIFF.Special rules apply for military-married-to-military couples.Unlike basic pay, BAH is an allowance, not a pay, and is therefore not taxable. Military Housing for Singles If you are single, you can expect to spend the next few years of your military service residing on-base in the dormitory, or barrack s. Policies concerning single military members living off-base at government expense vary from service to service, and even from base to base, depending on the occupancy rate of the barracks/dormitories on the particular base. Army policy allows single members in the paygrade of E-6 and above to live off base at government expense. However, at some bases, E-5s are allowed to move off base at government expense, depending on the barracks occupancy rates of that base.The Air Force policy generally allows single E-4s, with more than three years of service, and above to reside off-base at government expense.The Navy policy allows single sailors in the paygrades of E-5 and above, and E-4s with more than four years of service to reside off base and receive a housing allowance. The Marines allow single E-6s and above to reside off base at government expense. On some bases, depending on the barracks occupancy rate, single E-5s, and even some E-4s are authorized to reside off base. Dormit ories If your recruiter promised you condos, youre out of luck. However, all of the services have implemented plans to improve single housing (dormitories/barracks) for enlisted personnel. The Air Force was the first service to get started on the program and are arguably ahead of the other services. All airmen, outside of basic training and technical school are now entitled to a private room. The Air Force started with remodeling barracks into a concept called one-plus-one, which provided a private room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom/shower shared with one other person. The Air Force has now upgraded their program using a concept called Dorms-4-Airmen. All new Air Force dormitories (except basic training and technical school) are now designed using this concept. Dormitories under this program are four bedroom apartments. Airmen have a private room and private bath and share a kitchen, washer and dryer, and living room with three other airmen. The Armys standard is a two bedroom apartment, designed for two Soldiers. Each soldier gets a private bedroom, and theyshare a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. The Navy had a serious dicke bretter bohren mssen when this initiative started. Thousands of their junior sailors were living on ships, even when their assigned ships were in port. To construct enough barracks on Navy base to provide single rooms for all of unterstellung sailors would cost a fortune. The Navy solved this problem by getting permission from Congress to use private industry to construct and operate privatized housing for lower-ranking single Sailors. Like the Army, this design is a two-bedroom apartment. Each Sailor will have a private bedroom, a private bathroom, and share a kitchen, dining area, and living room with another Sailor. However, under the Navys Homeport Ashore initiative, Sailors assigned to ships which are in port must share a bedroom until additional funding becomes available to build new complexes. Like privatized family housin g the Sailor would pay the complex management monthly rent (which is equal to their housing allowance). The rent covers all utilities and rental insurance. The plan calls for the apartment complexes to include fitness facilities, media centers, and technology centers. The Marines have taken a different route. The Marine Corps believes that lower-ranking enlisted Marines living together is essential to discipline, unit cohesion, and esprit de corps. Under the Marine Corps program, junior Marines (E-1 to E-3) share a room and a bathroom. Marines in the pay grades of E-4 and E-5 are entitled to a private room. Dormitory rooms are normally subject to two types of inspections First, there is the normal, or periodic inspection which may or may not be announced in advance. This is where the commander or First Sergeant (or other designated person) inspect your room to make sure you are abiding by the standards (bed made, trash empty, room clean, etc.) The second type of inspection is called a Health and Welfare Inspection. This type of inspection is always unannounced, often occurs about 200 A.M., and is comprised of an actual search of the dormitory rooms for contraband (drugs, guns, knives, etc.) At times, these HWIs are accompanied by a randomurinalysis test, looking for evidence of drug abuse. Some services/bases allow you to use your own furniture. Others are very strict about using the provided Government furniture, only. Even if you are required to use Government furniture, you can have your own stereo, television, or computer system. All in all, fruchtwein single enlisted people look forward to the day when they can move out of the dormitory. Moving Out At fruchtwein locations, single members can elect to move out of the dormitory and get a place off-base at their own expense. That means the government will not give them BAH (Housing Allowance), nor will the government give them a food allowance. Unless you get a roommate (or two) it can be hard to make en ds meet living off base with just your base pay. By law, the services cannot allow single members to move off base at government expense unless the base-wide dormitory occupancy rate exceeds 95 percent. That means over 95 percent of all dormitory rooms on the base must have people living in them before anyone can be allowed to move out of the dormitories and receive a housing allowance. The wrinkle is that space is allocated to specific units, and your unit may be overcrowded while others have space available. As a result, the base-wide occupancy rate is less than 95 percent, and you wont be authorized to move off-base. When the base-wide occupancy rate exceeds 95 percent, the offer to move off-base is based on rank. You may not be allowed to move as those with a higher rank move out, and the occupancy rate drops below 95 percent. You could still be stuck on-base, with a roommate.The solution to this problem is to periodically reallocate dormitory spaces, but most bases are reluctan t to tackle the project any more often than every five years or so. This mismanaged system is a source of frustration among single military members. On-Base Housing Most places have limited on-base housing, so there is usually a waiting list (sometimes, more than one year) To qualify for on-base housing, you must be residing with a dependent (in most cases, that means spouse or minor children). The number of bedrooms youll be authorized depend on the number and age of the dependents residing with you. Some bases have very, very, nice housing on other bases, the housing barely qualifies for slum status. Utilities (trash, water, gas, electric) are normally free. Cable TV and phones are not. Furniture is normally not provided (although many bases have loan closets, which will temporarily loan you furniture). Appliances, such as stoves and refrigerators, are usually provided. Many on-base houses even have dishwashers. Clothes washers and dryers are usually not provided, but most un its at least in the States have hookups. Additionally, many bases have laundromats located close to the housing area. Overseas, many housing units are Condo-Style, and there is a laundry room with washers and dryers located in each stairwell. Government Family Housing The inside of occupied housing units are not normally inspected as dormitories are. They may be inspected without notice if the commander receives any safety or sanitary problem reports. The outside of the housingis an entirely different matter. All of the services are pretty strict about dictating exactly how the outside of the house and yard will be maintained. Most of them employ personnel who will drive by each and every housing unit once perweekand write tickets for any discrepancies noted. Receive too many tickets in too short a period, and you will be requested to move off-base. In the states, most on-base family housing units are duplexes, or sometimes fourplexes. For officers and more senior enlisted mem bers, on-base family housing in the states are usually either duplexes or single dwellings. Sometimes there are fenced-in back yards, and at other bases there are not. Usually, if the housing unit has a back yard, but no fence, you can get permission to install a fence at your own expense. You have to agree to take the fence down, when you moveout if the next occupant decides he/she doesnt want a fence. The same is true of almost any improvement you wish to make to on-base family housing. Usually, you can get permission to do self-help improvements, but you must agree to return the house to its originalstateif the next person to move in doesnt want to accept your improvement. Overseas, on-base family housing units are generally in the fasson of high-rise apartment buildings Moving out of base housing is a lot harder than moving in. This is the one time when the inside of the house will be inspected, and it will be expected to be in immaculate condition. Many people hire professional cleaners before checkout. Some bases have programs where the base itself hires professional cleaners when an occupant moves out, making the process much easier. More and more military basesare moving to privatized family housing. This housing is maintained, managed (and sometimes built) by private industry. The rent for these privatized units is paid to the housing management agency by military payallotmentand is equal to the members housing allowance. Off-Base Housing Instead of living in the dormitories or residing in on-base housing, you may be authorized to live off-base. In this case, the military will pay you BAH. The amount of this nontaxable allowance is dependent upon your rank, marital (dependency)status and the area you (or your dependents) live in. Once per year, the military hires an independent agency to survey the average housing costs in all of the areas where significant amounts of military personnel live. The Per Diem,Travel and Transportation Allowance Commit tee uses this data to compute the amount of BAH you will receive each month. One of the nice features about the BAH law is that the amount of BAH you receive may never go down while you are living in an area, even if the average cost of housing in that area goes down. Once you move to a different base, your BAH will be recalculated for the current rate in the new location. An interesting aspect of BAH is the type of housing that the entitlement is based upon. BAH is based on acceptable housing for an individual (or an individual with dependents). For example, a married E-5 is reimbursed based on what DoD considers minimum acceptable housing, a two bedroom townhouse or duplex. For an O-5 it is a four bedroom detached home. While whether or not one has dependents is a factor, the number of dependents is not. SeeWhat BAH Rates are Determined Fromfor more information. If you move intooff-base housingoverseas, your monthly entitlement is calledOHA (Overseas HousingAllowance) and is recal culated every two weeks. This is because currency rates can fluctuate dramatically overseas, causing housing expenses to go up and down. In addition to OHA, those overseas are entitled to some additional allowances, such as an initial move-in expense allowance, and reimbursement for costs to improve the security of the off-base residence. If you are authorized to reside off-base, its very important that you ensure your lease contains a military clause. A military clause allows you to break your lease in case you are forced to move on official orders. Special Considerations If you are married to a non-military member, and/or you have children, your spouse and children are considered to be dependents by the military. The military requires you to provide adequate support (which includes housing) to your dependents. Because of this, if you are married, you receive a housing allowance, at the with dependent rate, even if you are living in the single dormitories/barracks. Living in th e barracks/dormitories is mandatory during basic training and job-school and your dependents are not allowed to travel to basic training and/or job school at government expense. During these periods you receive BAH for the area that your dependents reside. When you move to your firstpermanentduty station, the rules change. Your dependents are allowed to move there at government expense. If they dont move there, that is considered your choice. In such cases, you receive BAH (at the with dependent rate) for the amount of your duty station, regardless of where your dependent is actually living. As long as you are still married, to give up BAH, you would have to reside in on-base family housing. However, unless your dependents move to your duty location, you are not authorized to reside in on-base family housing, because the rules say to qualify, your dependents must be living with you. If there is extra space available in the barracks/dormitories, you are allowed to live there, and sti ll receive your BAH. However, now that the military is trying to give all single people living in the dormitories their own room, most bases do not have any extra space available in their dormitories. Therefore, as a married person who has voluntarily elected not to be accompanied by their dependents, you will likely be required to live off-base. You will receive BAH for the area you are assigned to. If you are allowed to live in the dormitory/barracks, space available, you must be prepared to move out, with little or no notice, in case the space is needed (although most commanders/first sergeants will try to give at least two weeks notice, if possible). The rules change for overseas assignments. If you are assigned overseas, and elect not to be accompanied by your dependents, you can live in the barracks/dormitories on base, and still receive BAH to provide adequate housing support in the states for your dependent(s). How Military Family Housing Works Heres what will most like ly happen when you report to your first permanent duty station.Youll arrive with your family and stay in temporary family billeting. This is sort of an on-base hotel for incoming/outgoing military members and their families. Its a good idea to call billeting as soon as you know what day you are going to arrive to make reservations. Youll also be assigned a sponsor before your arrival (youll get a letter with the name and phone number of your sponsor). A sponsor is a person in your squadron who is assigned to help make your move easier. You can call your sponsor when you know your arrival date, and he/she can make the billeting reservations for you. There is a small cost for on-base family billeting. You can stay in on-base family billeting for a maximum of 30 days (the base can extend this to 60days if there is space available). If you cant get into on-base family billeting, youll have to rent a motel off-base.Whether or not you stay in on-base familybilleting or off-base motel, you will continue to receive your authorized housing allowance (and food allowance). Additionally, for the first 10 days following your arrival, youll receive a special allowance, calledTLE (Temporary Lodging Expense). This special allowance reimburses you for everything (meals and lodging), up to $180 per day, per family. After the 10 days is up, youll have to pay for billeting/motel out of your pocket (although youll still be receiving your housing allowance and sustenance allowance). Youll visit the housing office and (if you like), put your name on the on-base family housing list. At this time, they can tell you approximately how long it will take before an on-base house becomes available. If an on-base house is not immediately available (or, if you dont want to live on base), youll visit the off-base housing referral section, which is within the Housing Office. They can give you a list of local rentals that have decided to list themselves with the base. You are not obligated to us e this list. After you find a place that you want to live, you take a copy of the lease (before you sign it) to the housing referral office. They check the lease to make sure it contains a military clause that allows you to break the lease in case you have to move due to military orders. Make sure that the military hasnt put the location on the off-limits list, which is for places that have proven racial discrimination, known drug use. If you are living off-base, and youron-base family housingbecomes available, the military will hire a moving company to move your property from your off-baserental to your on-base family housing unit. Other Parts in This Series What the Military Recruiter Never Told YouChoosing a Military ServiceMeeting the RecruiterThe Enlistment Process and Job SelectionEnlistment Contractsand Enlistment IncentivesMilitary PayChow Hallsand Food AllowanceEducation ProgramsLeave (Vacation) and Job TrainingAssignmentsPromotionsMilitary Medical CareCommissaries and ExchangesMorale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Activities

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

ASME Journal Seeks Papers for Two Special Issues

ASME Journal Seeks Papers for Two Special Issues ASME Journal Seeks Papers for Two Special Issues ASME Journal Seeks Papers for Two Special IssuesThe editorial board of ASMEs Journal of Manufacturing Science Engineering is currently accepting papers for two special issues of the journal. The deadlines to submit a paper for the special issues, which will focus on materials forming processes and sustainable manufacturing, fall within the next few weeks.The first of the two publications, Special Issue on Innovations in Materials Forming Processes, will provide a venue for researchers to showcase their work in materials forming, which is a field with an ever-increasing need for new research on materials behavior, computational modeling techniques, new processes for forming both metallic and non-metallic materials, and theoretical advances in materials forming on the micro- and macro-length scales. Topics to be covered in this special issue of the journal, which is expected to be publish ed in September 2016, will include formability of metals, anisotropic yield functions and constitutive modeling incremental forming processes for metals and polymers new material testing methods and machines thermisch and hot forming of sheets and tubes innovative materials for forming and blanking tools novel extrusion and drawing processes new computational methods in forming and multi-stage deep drawing and stamping, among others.Papers for the Special Issue on Innovations in Materials Forming Processes are due Nov. 15. Click here to view the full list of topics and to learn how to submit a paper.The board is also seeking submissions for a Special Issue on Sustainable Manufacturing, which is scheduled to be published in October 2016. The objective of this issue is to present recent research focusing on advances related to the planning, development, analysis, and improvement of manufacturing processes, as well as challenges in facility operations, production planning and schedulin g, and supply-chain design.This special issue of the journal will explore a range of topics including sustainable manufacturing metrics and indicators manufacturing process and system-level modeling and simulation environmentally responsible design for manufacturing process and equipment development for environmental impact reduction manufacturing scheduling and planning for energy and waste management process and equipment development for environmental impact reduction sustainable energy systems renewable energy manufacturing and much more.Submissions for the Special Issue on Sustainable Manufacturing are due Dec. 1. To view the entire of topics and to learn how to submit a paper, click here.For more information about the Journal of Manufacturing Science Engineering, visit http//

Friday, December 20, 2019

Deploying to Guantanamo Bay

Deploying to Guantanamo BayDeploying to Guantanamo BayNAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba This is not your typical deployment location in the war on terror. Troops here get to scuba dive in their off time and have an assortment of restaurants and bars to unwind in at the end of long days spent guarding enemy combatants. The troops who manage the detention facility here belong to Joint Task Force Guantanamo. Theyre deployed for varying tour lengths from all services, both active and reserve components. They come here on deployment, and theyre actually coming to a place that is not as bad as (many) deployments, said Navy Capt. Leslie J. McCoy, commander of the naval base. JTF Guantanamo is a tenant organization on the base. The 2,200 JTF personnel live alongside the roughly 9,000 permanent-partey sailors, family members, U.S. government civilians and contractors, and third-country nationals who reside and work here. Sailors assigned to the base typically come for three-year tours and c an bring their families. Deployment length for troops assigned to JTF Guantanamo depends on their service. Soldiers typically deploy for one year, Marines and sailors for six months, and airmen for four-month stints. Living conditions vary considerably within the JTF. Enlisted servicemembers generally live in prefabricated individual buildings, which they call houses with a touch of cynicism. The shipping-container-like quarters each house four to six servicemembers. The troops typically divide the space as evenly as possible and then partition rooms by hanging blankets and shower curtains. Each building contains a bathroom with a toilet and a sink. And mens and womens community latrines, with showers, sinks and toilet stalls, are located within each group of quarters. Senior enlisted members and officers generally live in converted Navy family housing left over from when the base housed a larger population of permanent- party personnel. For instance, one two-bedroom apartment might be assigned to four junior officers. Troops live and work together here depending on what their jobs are, but irrespective of their service. I think its an important part of how they form as a team to that they can do their mission here in the JTF, said Army Brig. Gen. Jay Hood, commander of JTF Guantanamo. We have members assigned to the JTF that have come from assignments around the world, and so its important that we allow them to live and work together and know each other and build as a team. Living conditions for the servicemembers have improved considerably since the military began sending prisoners here more than three years ago. If you go back and look at early pictures of the JTF, our troopers were all living in tents, eating out of temporary dining facilities, Hood said. And officials continue to seek ways to improve living conditions. Ideally what wed like to do is have them all housed in barracks, so were now looking at plans to do that, McCoy said. Were trying to take as best care of (the JTF troops) as we can to ensure their quality of life is good. And part of that is to ensure they live in good rooms, good barracks or houses wherever they are. Gitmo also is loaded with morale, welfare and recreation facilities and opportunities. Servicemembers can rent boats and fishing equipment, become certified in scuba diving, or spend their time off snorkeling and watching the vast array of aquatic wildlife that fills the crystal-clear waters of the bay and surrounding Caribbean Sea. Aside from water sports, the base features a golf course troops generally play with hot-pink balls because white balls are too easy to lose in the gray desert landscape a brand-new miniature golf course, several gyms and outdoor sports fields, and two outdoor movie theaters. Considering the year-round warm weather and scant rainfall it rains only about three to five times a year here movies rarely are canceled. They come to a small community. We provide a sense of normalc y for those who are (deployed) here, McCoy said. They can come to our churches they can take part in our college programs (and) the MWR facilities. In turn, the captain explained, the base gets a lot from the JTF members deployed here. Since nearly 70 percent of Joint Task Force Guantanamo is made up of reserve-component members, they bring a lot of civilian-acquired skills with them. We get people here who are teachers, people who have different functions in their towns that they bring to Guantanamo Bay, McCoy said. So actually the synergy that we have with the joint task force works out very well. We help support one another.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Learn About Verizon Internships

Learn About Verizon InternshipsLearn About Verizon InternshipsVerizon is currently ranked at 16 on the list of Fortune 500 companies and operates in over 150 countries worldwide. Verizon has over 175,000 employees and over $120 billion in annual revenues.As the world of global communications rapidly changes, Verizon is one of the companies that are helping to lead the way. Verizon is in the business of delivering fast, reliable 4G LTE networks in America and their solutions help empower individuals, businesses, and communities. They are involved in everything from cellular communications, to cloud computing, to machine-to-machine communication, to robust omnichannel experiences (optimized multi-channel marketing), and other innovative technologies. Competitors include ATT, T-Mobile, Microsoft, and Google.Internships at Verizon include a wide range of disciplines including Engineering, Finance, Sales Marketing, Information Technology, and Education. Interns say Verizon is one of the best places to work for an internship and that the company immediately treats its interns like full-time employees. They also site things like great compensation and benefits, good work/life balance, learning valuable skills, working on very interesting projects, participating in a great leadership program, and the ability to add a great name to your resume. Verizon does much of their recruiting at university career fairs, but also accepts resumes online. It is estimated that over 50% of candidates say they heard about their position through a campus recruiter while another 42% found their position online. Approximately 64% found the interview process to be a positive experience and the questions of average difficulty. The first step is to do an online application. The second step is generally a telephone interview with someone from Verizon human resources. Once this phase is passed a series of face-to-face interviews are platzset up, including both technical and HR interviews.Quest ions tend to be experiential in nature, with a focus on previous experience and on how various situations would be handled. Benefits Intern salaries range from $17.72 to $23.97 per hour. In addition, interns get an opportunity to learn and work with Verizons professional team. Verizon Foundation Education Project Management Internship The Verizon Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Verizon. They are dedicated to solving critical social issues in the areas of education, healthcare, and energy management, particularly in underserved communities. Location Basking Ridge, New Jersey Responsibilities Innovation is a bellwether at Verizon. The focus is on collaborating with some of the biggest names in the business, providing ingenious new ways for people and communities to connect and creating groundbreaking solutions for government. Verizons goal is to harness the power of technology to take on tough challenges and provide game-changing solutions. Verizon provides the opportunity to grow, explore and imagine with a global technology pioneer. The Verizon Foundation is focused on using technology to solve critical social issues.Through the support of their employees and resources, they help to address the needs of communities around the world.Verizons philanthropic activities go beyond charitable contributions. They include collaborating with leading nonprofit organizations to combine our powerful technology with our philanthropic resources to address challenging issues in education, healthcare, and energy management in underserved communities. As a Project Manager intern for the Verizon Foundation, duties and responsibilities may include but are not limited to Manage the Verizon Foundations High School Summer Internship ProjectAssist the Education Program Manager in leading a group of high performing and diverse 11th and 12th-grade students through a summer Design Thinking internship at VerizonCoordinate executive employee engagement opportunities for internsCoordinate field trips, tours, and activities at Verizons business locations for internsWork closely with Verizons product development, IT, and strategy groups to understand challenges and support and guide interns as they research, design, iterate and pitch solutions Qualifications Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Bachelors program in a STEM field, Business Administration, or related major and be returning to the program after the duration of the internshipA 3.0 GPA or greater preferredMust possess strong research/analytical and organizational skillsMust have strong project management and problem-solving skillsThe ability to leverage technology to conduct research, create presentations, and share findingsA strong knowledge of relational databasesDemonstrated leadership skills and team orientation Strong verbal/written communication and presentation skillsA good understanding of social media platformsProficiency in Microsoft Office productsUnderstanding of the Design Thinking process a plus, but not required How to Apply Applicants must set up a Verizon account and complete an online application. A plus customized cover letter and resume must also be included to apply.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Breaking Into and Certifying for an E-Discovery Position

Breaking Into and Certifying for an E-Discovery PositionBreaking Into and Certifying for an E-Discovery PositionElectronic discovery, also callede-discovery,is one of the fastest growing segments of the legal industry. Experts predict annual growth in the electronic discovery market of 10 to 15 percent in upcoming years. It involves the technological acquisition, exchange, submission and maintenance of data and evidence in a lawsuit or criminal proceeding. Educational Requirements This industry is still evolving and it currently lacks global educational standards, targeted industry training, and uniform regulation. There is no formal degree program for electronic discovery careers, so these professionals usually evolve from information technology or paralegal roles. That said, fruchtwein electronic discovery professionals possess bachelors degrees in a technology-related field such as computer science or information technology, or a law-related field such as paralegal studies. Ri sing salaries and niche advisory roles are attracting more attorneys to the e-discovery specialty, however. Niche Training Programs Most training in this field occurson the job, but you can jumpstart or advance your career in electronic discovery by exploring one of the niche training programs that have emerged in recent years. Here are a few to help you begin narrowing your search. DTI LitWorks LitWorks offers formal training courses specifically developed for litigation support and e-discovery professionals who are new to the industry or who are working to advance their careers. LitWorks courses focus on strengthening knowledge of basic litigation principals, sharpening understanding of the latest technology, and arming students with practical strategies to employ in daily activities. LitWorks offers Certified Litigation Support Project Manager (CLSPM) and Certified Litigation Support Professional (CLSP) certifications. Kroll Ontracks E-Discovery Certification Course Krolls pr ogram is targeted to legal and technical professionals seeking to expand their information management, electronic discovery and computer forensics knowledge. This course offers several breakout sessions designed to appeal to beginner, intermediate and advanced learners with both legal and IT backgrounds. Its a two-day course that takes place a few times a year. Attendance is limited and the course is popular, so consider signing up early. Kroll will even give you a price break if you do. You can register online. eDiscovery Institute at Georgetown University This intense one-week session provides students with an opportunity to gain the essential knowledge and skills necessary to help them lead or participate on e-discovery teams. Instruction is provided by some of the countrys leading e-discovery experts and it focuses on the nexus between the law and technology. A rigorous curriculum includes daily readings, hands-on exercises and proven strategic tips. Vendor Certification An other option exists if youd like to get your foot in the door before investing in pricier training. Maybe you just want to know a little more about the field before you jump in. Many software manufacturers offer certifications on their software platforms, including Clearwell, Summation, iCONECT, Concordance, Applied Discovery, LexisNexis, and IPRO. For more information on the e-discovery and litigation support fields, you can sign up for free subscriptions to Litigation Support Today and Legal Technology News, publications which cover the e-discovery industry.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Hidden Secret of Biodata Format

The Hidden Secret of Biodata Format Rumors, Deception and Biodata Format The target of your resume is to secure you the interview. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your odds of scoring a work simply is reasonable. What you place on the top is what you would like to get seen first. To begin with, have a fantastic look at the job posting itself. It is going to eventually go a very long way in earning your marriage a successful one. For them politics is a vital evil to keep the trappings of power that theyve been used to. Very rarely you will discover something like an ideal couple or an ideal marriage. Biodata for marriage is among the best way to express that. Things You Should Know About Biodata Format There is an assortment of advantages of employing the simple resume formats. Resume they make sure that your greatest achievements are right there on the top, ready to be noticed. 17 As its name suggests, it is a minimalist blank CV to fill in. The Simple resume formats can be employed by anyone who wants to put in an application for a job. Therefore, its better to incorporate this point in your format also. The faulen format has seen the arrival of digital biodatas, meaning that youre able to include more than 1 photograph. It is based on the context. How to Choose Biodata Format Preparing a biodata for marriage is the one of the initial steps which you might have to take to discover the ideal life partner. Bear in mind the marriage resume is crucial to attracting the ideal partner. Hence for those who have a clear, attractive and a precise marriage resume, youre more likely to locate a compatible life partner who has the qualities youre looking for and also the possible partner looking for. Feel free to bring a better look at our newest styles given below. A Biodata focuses on personal particulars as well as educational and expert experience. Its possible to display your work history, but in addition fill in more space by talking about your abilities and other knowledge youve got. Experience is a lot more than that If work experience isnt your key highlight or whether youve got an inconsistent work history, its best advisable to abflug your resume with your qualifications. Lets have a peek at what you might want to include in a thriving biodata format for employment. When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you want a resume template you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop. If your application wants a cover letter then you may use the cover letter template. Its two-column resume layout can absorb a significant lot of content so that it doesnt overflow to any added pages. By using these resume templates, you are certain to create an attractive resume. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations. Biodata Format - Dead or Alive? Sharin g your contact details is important but the modern template suggests it is a great issue to talk about your social networking profiles too. Resume Templates also ensure you dont miss out any helpful bit of information about yourself which can be important for the provider. If it comes to create an amazing matrimonial profile, first step is to make bio data for marriage. Keep in mind, a resume is an expert tool. For various other jobs, it doesnt matter much whether youre an extrovert ornot. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and theyre your very first step toward new job opportunities. LinkedIn plays a crucial part in Job hiring procedure and frequently the job seekers will appreciate if its provided. CVs are popular in academia. It is possible to download as many resumes as you desire.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Your Employer Brand Is Missing One Key Element -- Your Employees

Your Employer Brand Is Missing One Key Element -- Your EmployeesLauryn SargentA strong employer brand delivers value throughout the entire hiring process from attracting the right talent, which makes candidate sourcing easy, to representing your company accurately during the bewerberinterview process. But how do you bring your employer brand to the next level?We spoke to Lauryn Sargent and Mollie Delp to learn about the best tool to improve your employer brand your employees. As the co-founder of Stories Incorporated, a recruitment marketing content studio in Washington DC, Sargent sheds some light on why bedrngnis including your employees in your employer brand is bad for both your brand and your candidate. The only person who has the real details, what its like to truly work at your company, are the people doing the work and showing up every day, she says. Their stories give candidates a true sense of what its like to work there. Delp, the HR specialist at Workshop Digital, an SEO and digital marketing agency located in Richmond, VA, shares this sentiment and highlights how including employees during interviews gives candidates opportunities to dive deeper and see if the company is a good fit for them. The candidate really has an open window to talk to people that are doing that job already, she says. They can be open and honest about what its like to work here and ask questions where they might not feel as comfortable asking HR, the manager, or the co-founder. Read on for the full transcript of Sargent and Delps explanations and uncover why you need to use employees in your employer brand and how to do it effectivelyLauryn SargentHi, my name is Lauryn Sargent. I am the co-founder at Stories Incorporated. We create recruitment marketing content using employee stories. So, employee stories are the best recruitment marketing content, and its also a best practice. In fact, if an organization does not use employee stories in their recruitment marketing content, so think careersite, Glassdoor pages, LinkedIn pages, social channels, Facebook. If they arent using employee stories, it makes me wonder why they are not. Is it because they couldnt find an employee that had a really great story about what its like to work there? Or, is their communications, marketing, or recruitment department too sanitized to let some realness through? In either case, its not good for the candidates or the employment brand if they are not using employee stories. Theres a few reasons whyEmployees are trustworthyThe first, people trust employees more than anybody else according to a study done by Evelyn. That means your CEO testimonial, sometimes talking to a recruiter isnt nearly as effective as learning from the employees first hand what its like to work there. Thats really important for job seekers to know so they can make an informed decision. Stories help determine fitAnother reason would be to use employee stories in your employer branding, recruitment market ing practice. You should be creating unique content that will allow the right candidate to choose you and then the wrong candidate to apply elsewhere.The only person who has the real details, what its like to truly work at your company, are the people doing the work and showing up every day. Getting that content is really most valuable to the candidates and its who they trust hearing from the most anyway.Selecting in and out in the application phase, so all of that content that potential candidates are seeing, that being something that people can opt in and out of. It doesnt waste the time of the candidate, the recruiter, and in some cases entire interview teams. Think of the third or fourth round where a candidate learns something that they could have learned at the beginning stage and really saved everybody a lot of time and effort. It also gets recruiting teams closer to some of the statistics they care about. Things like reduce time to hire, as well as the organization feeling l ess of that strain having to fill positions badly needed while they are wasting time during the recruitment process. Cultural appeal attracts the right talentThird, if youre not being specific about the type of culture you are, youre missing out on talent thats looking for something unique. Think about the candidate that can work anywhere. They may be looking for something thats very specific to their needs. You arent even in that game if you arent showing whats interesting about working at your organization. We actually have a good story for that.There was a mid-sized government contractor that we worked with. They couldnt talk about the specifics of what they did because they were in intelligence, but they had really great stories about things the organization had done for their people. Very specific stories. It painted a very real picture of what its like to work at that organization. The organization that was small to mid-sized created three videos, sponsored them on Facebook ad s. They got over 5,000 views each and as a result, they had people applying looking for a really great culture. Mollie DelpMy name is Mollie Delp. I am the HR specialist at Workshop Digital. Employees back up your cultureur company culture is all about transparency and accountability, which are two of our six core values. Having team members in those interviews speaking directly to candidates without management, or without HR really backs that up.We want to make koranvers we are being fully transparent with candidates about what its like to work at Workshop Digital. But, we also want our candidates and our employees to hold us accountable for being transparent and honest about what its really like working here. Having the team in those interviews opens that door of communication between that candidate and the team to make sure thats really happening.There are a lot of benefits for everyone whenever we have the team involved. The candidate really has an open window to talk to people that are doing that job already. They can be open and honest about what its like to work here and ask questions where they might not feel as comfortable asking HR, the manager, or the co-founder. It really opens that window for them to ask those sort of questions and feel like theyre really having an opportunity to know what its like to be here. Give your team a sayFor the team, it gives them an opportunity to meet people that are coming into the workplace. New team members work more with them, than they do with HR at the end of the day. I want to make sure that they have an opportunity to have a say in whos going to be working with them and making them better as a team.For the decision makers, we take what our employees say seriously. We never make a final decision on a candidate, until we actually speak with the team and get their feedback. Its good to know that were hearing the same thing as HR and management, as what the team is hearing from the same candidate. We want to make s ure that those messages match and that we have the true transparency to see who this candidate is. Make your employees feel comfortable beforehandWe want to make sure that every team member that goes into an interview feels comfortable. That they feel like they have background knowledge on that candidate and their experience. Those interviews are often more for the soft culture based questions. Were just trying to get to know them as a person. So, we want to make sure that when that team goes in, they have enough understanding of what weve learned so far.Typically I have a sit down meeting with them in advance, or I send them a quick summary of why that candidate made it that far. What experiences do they have that we saw would be a benefit to them. And, really just making sure that they know that weve done the backend work to make sure that they are qualified. We also make sure that if they need extra questions, we will provide them. We do a recap afterwards every time, and just ma ke sure that they stay on time, so they dont have to worry about it. Really its just making sure that everybody is going in comfortable, they know weve done the hard work from the beginning, and that were there to support them in that decision, and that their voice matters.